2. Interacting modelGenerally it is assumed that interaction between DM and DE can be defined as
with the total energy density
ρtot =
ρDE +
ρDM where
ρDM and
ρDE are energy densities of DM and DE respectively.
pDM and
pDM are also the pressure of DM and DE, respectively.
Q represents the overall conservation of the energy–momentum tensor indicating a transfer from DE component to DM component and
vice versa. In the literature there are non-zero matter components of
ρDM[24] but in this study pressure is taken as zero for the matter component (
pDM = 0) because we know that the normal dust matter is pressureless. In this study
pDM is considered as a specific case of a general quadratic EoS of the form
We investigate a quadratic EoS parameter focusing on the quadratic case and ignore higher order terms. In high-energy regime
p0 can be chosen as zero. The parameters
A1 and
A2 set the characteristic energy scale. They can be chosen to be the same. For the standard linear EoS parameter for a cosmological fluid,
p0 and
A2 set to be zero, but now we are interested in the
A1 =
A2 condition with
ωDE value. Rewrite Eq. (
2) as
This is decaying of the HDE into cold dark matter (CDM). We assume a form of interaction
Q =
ΓρDE with the decay rate
Γ. Equation (
1) can be reorganized by using Eq. (
where the effective equations of states are defined as follows:
in this equation the ratio of the two energy densities is given by
u =
ρDE. The homogenous and isotropic universe can be easily described by Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) metric
k refers to the curvature of the space with
k = −1, 0,1, the curvature of space depending on whether the shape of the Universe is an open 3-hyperboloid, flat (i.e., Euclidean space) or a closed 3-sphere, respectively, and
a is the cosmic scale factor depending on time and is a measure of the size of the Universe representing relative expansion of the Universe.
x = 0 when
a = 1 since
x = ln(
a). In order to combine the energy density with the curvature of the Universe, we employ the first Friedman equation given by
ρtot =
ρDE +
c is velocity of the light,
c = 1 is known for the flat universe.

is the reduced Planck mass and
H =
a is the Hubble parameter. The geometry of the Universe is defined by the density parameter that is expressed in terms of the ratio of the Universe density to the critical density. This critical density is also called closure density which is a remarkably small number for our Universe and it is described by
Ω0 is defined as the average matter Universe density divided by a critical value of that density (
Ω0 =
ρcr). This selects also one of the three possible geometries depending on whether
Ω0 is equal to, less than, or greater than 1 and it governs whether the curvature is negative (
Ω0 < 1), positive (
Ω0 > 1), flat (
Ω0 = 1). Today, the research shows that the Universe is nearly flat, therefore the average density is nearly close to the critical density (
ρcr = 10
−26 kg/m
3). Define the dimensionless density parameters for DE, DM, and the curvature relative to critical density parameter;

is the critical energy density and the First–Friedman equation can be rewritten by using Eqs. (
7) and (
which is for the holographic condition involving the future event horizon and then expresses the density ratio in terms of Eq. (
8) by using Eq. (
u =
ρDE which should be a solution for the coincidence problem. Its derivative can be rewritten by using Eq. (
which means that the ratio of the densities depends on the defined form of the interaction. In the evolution


is equal to 0, which means that the ratio of the energy densities provides constant value for the DE and DM.

means that the dark energy dominates the system and it is not vanishing. If

the vanishing dark energy density is being apparent. The IR cut-off of the Universe in the case of the holographic model with the HDE density is defined in terms of
L is IR cut-off which can be identified by the radius of the future event horizon
r defined as follows:
while referring holographic model, when DE-dominated universe model is assumed, the future event horizon has a tendency to a constant value with the order
H−1, therefore equation (
13) can be rewritten by
L = 1/
H. In this study we have chosen the radius of
t) as follows:
where the event horizon is given by
Rh and the radial coordinate is given by
using these definitions
ΩDE and
ρcr, we can easily obtain
using Eqs. (
17) we gain
and then using the definition
Ωk and Eq. (
18) we obtain
where cos
y = cos
y for
k = 1, cos
y =
y for
k = 0, and cos
y = cosh
y for
k = −1 with

If equation, (
13) is used cos
y can be rewritten as

. Taking again the holographic energy density definition
ρDE by using Eq. (
4) one finds the holographic energy equation of the state by using Eq. (
13) takes the following form

. In this work, the decay rate can be chosen by
Γ = 3
nH (
n is a constant) where
b is the coupling constant and 1 ≥
n. Substituting this relation into Eq. (
5) with the chosen decay rate we find the effective state equation
Now we derive here two dimensionless coupled equations with solutions determining the effective equations of state.
ΩDE is coming from the derivative of
u given by
ΩDE and
Ωk is coming from the derivative of the
rk given by
ΩDE. The corresponding coupled equations are derived by using Eqs. (
11), (
12), and (
x = ln (
a0) and

When we compare our results with literature it can be seen that our model is in accordance with the literature.
3. Numerical resultsIn this study we have obtained the state equation for the interacting HDE density by using quadratic form of the EoS parameter. The numerical results are analyzed for the cases of k = 0, 1,−1 the curvature of space flat, closed, and open forms of the universe, respectively. In this study we have used the effective equations of state (
To analyze the results of our numerical solutions we represent the behavior of the energy densities and effective equations by plotting versus x values in the case of quadratic form of the EoS parameter.
In the literature the effective equation of the state
for n > 1 diverges for small ΩDE for choices of the holographic condition that could be consistent with observations, therefore in literature the parameters were assigned as c = 1, n = 1, and b2 = 0.1 and 0.2 with the initial conditions
at x = 0, ωDE(0) = 0.72, ωk(0) = 0 for k = 0, ωk(0) = 0.08 for k = 1, ωk(0) = −0.01 for k = −1.
First of all the evolution behavior of the effective equation of state
(blue) and
(red) in Eqs. (21) and the evolution of ΩDE and Ωk with respect to x is qualitatively determined in Eqs. (22) are plotted in Figs. 1, 2, and 3 to analyze the numerical results and compare them with previous literature.
In Fig. 1 the density parameter and effective equations are plotted with the initial parameters b2 = 0.2, for an interaction of n = 1 with the initial conditions ΩDE(0) = 0.72, Ωk(0) = 0.08, where the positive curvature constant k = 1. In this case the density is so high that the gravitational attraction can stop the expansion and collapse backward named “big crunch”. This kind of universe is described as being a closed universe, or a gravitationally bound universe with a small positive curvature (Ωk = 0.02). As shown in Fig. 1(a) the two effective equations of state start different points. In far future two effective equations take the same value (
between 0 and −1, which means that there is a stable point in the far future. It is clear in Eq. (12) when r is equal to zero (
meaning that the Universe may be re-collapsed in the future time. From Eq. (9) the density of matter exceeds the critical value (0.28) when the curvature term goes to zero at the far future it is in accordance with Ref. [20]. In Fig. 1(b) it is seen that Ωk has maximum positive curvature with value 0.04 and Ωk goes to zero for the past and far future and the density parameter of ΩDE is a monotonically increasing function of x which goes to 0.77 at far future, therefore ΩDM = 0,27. The research shows that the observed best fit of the closed model of the Universe has ΩDM = 0.415, ΩDE = 0.630.[30]
In Fig. 2 the density parameter and effective equations are plotted with parameters b2 = 0.2, for an interaction of n = 1 with the initial conditions ΩDE(0) = 0.72, Ωk(0) = 0.0 where the curvature constant k = 0. In theory a space with zero curvature is called a flat space which is non-compact and extends infinitely far in any direction and in this case the density value is equal nearly to the critical value, so the Universe may expand forever. As shown in Fig. 2(a) the two effective equations of state start also from different points. In the far future the two effective equations approach their limiting (equal) value (
) which means that there is a stable point in the far future. The two effective equations coincide at −0.98 fixed point. In Fig. 2(b) Ωk has zero value for the past and far future. The density parameter ΩDE has monotonically increasing behavior like non-flat universe 0.78 at the far future; it is compatible with observations.[27]
In Fig. 3 the density parameter and effective equations are also plotted with the same parameters except the initial condition Ωk(0) = −0.01 where the Universe has open form with negative curvature, space has infinite volume. This space–time also has space expanding forever in time. In Fig. 3(a) in the far future the two effective equations are also coincident at a fixed point (
), and take the value between 0 and −1. In Fig. 3(b) Ωk has negative value with tending zero value for the past and far future. The recent research shows that, in the case a non-flat universe, the models with small negative value of Ωk are a better fit than ΛCDM model.[30] The density parameter ΩDE is also monotonically increasing.
In Fig. 4 the equation of states and density parameters are plotted with different interaction parameters to see the effect on the nature of the holographic interaction. In the case of b2 = 0 non-interaction we see ΩDE(x) → 1 as x value increases. When we have chosen the interaction parameter value to be 0.1 as shown in Fig. 4(a) in the far future two effective equations are also coincident at a fixed point, and take the value between 0 and −1, however it is a bigger value than the b2 = 0.2 case. In Fig. 4(b) ΩDE(x) is also a monotonically increasing function of x and reaches 0.90 value at the far future.
4. ConclusionsIn cosmology, driving to an accelerated universe, a quadratic EoS parameter has been shown to be concerned with the expounding of DE and DM,[28,29] it is also appearing in the energy density evolution equations and may be liable for the annihilation of anisotropy and inhomogeneity. In contrast, for the standard general relativistic cosmology case, a linear EoS parameter represents the high isotropy of the Universe. In this study, we have chosen the DE-dominated non-flat universe and three parameters b2 (interaction strength), c, n are taken in the observational ranges ΩDE, ΩDM, Ωk. First of all we have extended the interacting HDE model to the non-flat model of the Universe with quadratic EoS parameter which represents the state of the composition of two comparable components that arise from decaying of HDE into CDM. Using HDE, we have obtained the equation of state for interacting HDE density enveloped by L universe. The density parameters of ΩDE and Ωk have calculated numerically for the quadratic EoS parameter, and then the effective equations
are calculated. The behavior of the density parameters and effective equations are analyzed. As can be seen from the numerical results mentioned above the effect of the non-flat universe is trivial, because from Figs.1, 2, and 3(a) it can be seen easily that Ωk → 0 for the past and future, and this means that for the non-flat universe with value k ≠ 0, the phantom regime could not be caused for which
, even if one comprises an interaction between HDE and DM where
. For the non-interacting case of b2 = 0 we see that ΩDE(x) → 1 as x increases. As shown in Figs.1, 2, 3, and 4(b), ΩDE(x) is a droningly increasing function of x with the interacting cases of b2 = 0.1 and b2 = 0.2. The DM density is affected by small changes of the interaction term, but the DE density is not. This means that the interaction term affects strongly the effect on the nature of the holographic interaction in the DE-dominated universe in the case of the quadratic EoS parameter, which is different from the linear case. These figures show also that the quadratic effective EoS of the two equation states of
will take negative values which are greater than −1 during the whole evolution of the Universe. This means that the holographic energy density preserves its nature for the future even if the interaction term is changed and as the Quintom scenario the equations of state had coincidence at the cosmological constant boundary of −1 from above to below. As can be seen in Fig. 4 a small change is important when it comes to quadratic additions to EoS parameter. This refers that the interaction term affects the fixed points at the far future in the DE-dominated non-flat universe. The effective equation of matter component is also affected by small changes in the interaction parameter; however the effective equation of DE is not affected strongly. When it is compared with the recent research, it is concluded that use of quadratic EoS parameter leads to the overriding of the term of the interactions between DM and DE, therefore the effective equation of state parameter fails to evolve from the regime greater than −1 to the regime less than −1 or the opposite way. In this regard, this can lead to the conflict between the theoretical and observational expectations.